Thursday, April 4, 2024

NIHILISTERINE, Comes in Multiple MAGA-Flavors of Hysteria - The Perfected Hat-Trick of Ever More Pathological, Surreal American Religion, With or Without Mandatory Lobotomy Called "Faith" (or Else)

NIHILISTERINE - Comes in MAGA-flavors (cheezwhiz n bacon fat!) too, denominations listed by the hundreds on the peel-back label - Messiah du Jour, the "Bleeder's Digest" Saccharine Condensed Version!! 

 "When a revolutionary spirit confronts his contemporaries, the violence of his contempt for banalities, for the dead weight of worn out traditions, for dead symbols as D. H. Lawrence called them, causes antagonism and resistance. Fear paralyzes understanding." — Anais Nin, from the Introduction to Antonin Artaud, Man of Vision, Bettina L. Knapp, First Swallow Press / Ohio University Press edition 1980, from the Preface, pg. x

The perfected hat-trick of American religion, fries on the side, is to disguise nihilism with variegated 2000 year old plus "brands" rife with the extreme chaos of archetypal MessianismS mugging groups all sizes led by one or more tyrants with "Charismatic Personality Disorder" who often confuse "intuition/psychic powers" for "religion" aka PROPHETS with a direct line to MANA which indeed is an equal opportunity "mugger" of any and all so read the fine print - wait, wait, there IS no fine print unless it's that of official Holy Writ, then, thusly the only safety is RINSE and SPIT and head for the hills), so

suffice it to bray, to point out the obvious, there are many many rivals (BORING yet deadly) NOW as there were in, say, ancient Rome as the millennia turned, all vying for "THE one and only Messiah" (cue Heinz 57 meg-millioned multiply squared) which, a major theme in the deemed to be "civilized world", again, "varietal" since "all deities are local viz Mid-East and surrounds, the bloody clown shows of (not so) ancient Rome, Alexandria, Carthage, et. al. (major roads connected these centers for trade and tyranny) massive city states proclaiming themselves Unus Mundus, Navel of the Universe, therefore ruthlessly ruling, serving the real deity, POWER (and will again if MAGOG, I mean, MAGA has it's crimson way),

alas, in the end, out's ITSELF, the POWER DEVIL (C. G. Jung's accurate name for it), shows its xenophobic dark side disguised as light and fluffy, always, and promises that everything (even concentration camps, book bannings and burnings, hyper-control of press and information, et. alI is ALL for the Universe's own good (humans presume to "know better" therefore their local variety deities also presume to "know better" so, hey, get with the anthropoidal-hemorrhoidal programs with their inevitable pogroms righteously enforced, weight their local deity upon others who do not "hold with" said deity and varietal, manifestly destined "plans". (which usually ends with locally and IN THE END with a apocryphal, apocalyptic destruction of the old world (NIHILISM, ANYONE?) for "good's sake" (thus even Deity does not solve but is conditioned to, and bound, by the opposites of Good and Evil...IT renders evil to preserve the good...OY? I'm ready for my close up, Mister Surreal (muddled and bloody as she goes).

American Religion has and will fail as they do throughout humanoidal bipodal hysteria, I mean, history. Religion is best, at most, served tongue in cheek, better than teeth biting cheek OUCH! with instructions to copiously RINSE AND SPIT. REPEAT. REPEAT. REPEAT. AMOR FATI.

We were forewarned by the infantile King Baby 
DJT, the Tyrannical Child

Only spits, never rinses


Talking Head's Live (from the movie Stop Making Sense)
sSumzit up massively:

Excerpt from "The Lives of the Saints" 
by  Charles Wright

Randy Newman -  God's Song (That's Why I Love Mankind)

NOTE - and do your own research - There were 300 plus so-called messiahs along with many hemi- simi- demi- messiah wannabes in the first century and all of them were crucified. And there were many more rival messiah-like candidates of different religions. Mithraism, the religion, was the major rival to new Christianity. Worth reading of this Bull religion (god was a Bull), where the god was killed, rose again in 3 days. Rituals included killing a bull and eating the flesh and bathing in and drinking the blood.

Many many rituals/religions involved such rituals either literally or symbolically. Something there is in the oral, as in eating, drinking aspect of religions. Comparative religions, history of religions gives many accounts of such.

In fact, "adoration" - a word greatly, well, adored and meaningfully used in religions as well as secularly (I love you, golf, movies, et al). Etymologically adore: from ad "to" + ลrare "speak formally, pray" (see orator). We all know that "oral" is not just voice but eating, tasting, swallowing. Since human (and other mammalian life) depends on eating from birth to live, makes sense that eating and mouths figure very strongly as religious activities!

Adoration, The Deconstruction of Christianity 2 goes into "adoration", its meanings etymologically. Nancy expands those meanings significantly and deliciously especially in the word's emphasis on the mouth, its functions, literally and figuratively.

Brief review of the book here (from 2018, discovered the book by accident on Christmas Eve! - a major wheel turner for me):

"NOT theology here at all. Dis-enclosure of theological language, to break free of enclosed, calcified and deadly provincialism poisoning old and haunting new articulation/gestures toward sacrality...Jean-Luc will more than dis-enclose, he will blast the earnest reader without swag or chin-jut in your face tired old defiance as if shouting one's unbelief could rid sacrality from being itself once and for all.

Jean-Luc's efforts arrive at hard won sublimities of articulation which may at least hint at/evoke/appproach adoration, that which discloses the Excess, that Exceedingness, which is what all such talk and idea attempt to reveal but cannot since IT, God, is that which exceeds all knowing and understanding; all attempts at such are what petrifies/reifies God into murderous "idols."

The Western god-project holds an inherent nihilism which deconstructs itself as it goes along, splintering into surplus perpetuated by force, often violent, which could possibly lead to literal destruction of the planet. We find ourselves in that abject place now. Nancy contends that this place of abjection is exactly where a reawakening of the spirit is, or can be, must be:

"The form of spirit as it awakens is adoration." - Ludwig Wittgenstein

Publisher's Note:

Adoration is the second volume of the Deconstruction of Christianity, following Dis-Enclosure. The first volume attempted to demonstrate why it is necessary to open reason up not to a religious dimension but to one transcending reason as we have been accustomed to understanding it; the term "adoration" attempts to name the gesture of this dis-enclosed reason. Adoration causes us to receive ignorance as truth: not a feigned ignorance, perhaps not even a "nonknowledge," nothing that would attempt to justify the negative again, but the simple, naked truth that there is nothing in the place of God, because there is no place for God. The outside of the world opens us in the midst of the world, and there is no first or final place. Each one of us is at once the first and the last. Each one, each name. And our ignorance is made worse by the fact that we do not know whether we ought to name this common and singular property of all names. We must remain in this suspense, hesitating between and stammering in various possible languages, ultimately learning to speak anew. In this book, Jean-Luc Nancy goes beyond his earlier historical and philosophical thought and tries to think-or at least crack open a little to thinking-a stance or bearing that might be suitable to the retreat of God that results from the self-deconstruction of Christianity. Adoration may be a manner, a style of spirit for our time, a time when the "spiritual" seems to have become so absent, so dry, so adulterated. The book is a major contribution to the important strand of attempts to think a "post-secular" situation of religion.

Google preview here:


My brief review of "Adoration, The Deconstruction of Christianity II by Jean-Luc Nancy" refers to the inherent nihilism in .

NOT theology here at all. Dis-enclosure of theological language, to break free of enclosed, calcified and deadly provincialism poisoning old and haunting new articulation/gestures toward sacrality...Jean-Luc will more than dis-enclose, he will blast the earnest reader without swag or chin-jut in your face tired old defiance as if shouting one's unbelief could rid sacrality from being itself once and for all.

Jean-Luc's efforts arrive at hard won sublimities of articulation which may at least hint at/evoke/appproach adoration, that which discloses the Excess, that Exceedingness, which is what all such talk and idea attempt to reveal but cannot since IT, God, is that which exceeds all knowing and understanding; all attempts at such are what petrifies/reifies God into murderous "idols."

The Western god-project holds an inherent nihilism which deconstructs itself as it goes along, splintering into surplus perpetuated by force, often violent, which could possibly lead to literal destruction of the planet. We find ourselves in that abject place now. Nancy contends that this place of abjection is exactly where a reawakening of the spirit is, or can be, must be:

"The form of spirit as it awakens is adoration." - Ludwig Wittgenstein

Publisher's Note:

Adoration is the second volume of the Deconstruction of Christianity, following Dis-Enclosure. The first volume attempted to demonstrate why it is necessary to open reason up not to a religious dimension but to one transcending reason as we have been accustomed to understanding it; the term "adoration" attempts to name the gesture of this dis-enclosed reason. Adoration causes us to receive ignorance as truth: not a feigned ignorance, perhaps not even a "nonknowledge," nothing that would attempt to justify the negative again, but the simple, naked truth that there is nothing in the place of God, because there is no place for God. The outside of the world opens us in the midst of the world, and there is no first or final place. Each one of us is at once the first and the last. Each one, each name. And our ignorance is made worse by the fact that we do not know whether we ought to name this common and singular property of all names. We must remain in this suspense, hesitating between and stammering in various possible languages, ultimately learning to speak anew. In this book, Jean-Luc Nancy goes beyond his earlier historical and philosophical thought and tries to think-or at least crack open a little to thinking-a stance or bearing that might be suitable to the retreat of God that results from the self-deconstruction of Christianity. Adoration may be a manner, a style of spirit for our time, a time when the "spiritual" seems to have become so absent, so dry, so adulterated. The book is a major contribution to the important strand of attempts to think a "post-secular" situation of religion.



Design - Fabricate - Install: A Carol On The Difficulty Of Communion With The Ineffable In An Age Of Disbelief, Solitude, And Profound Anxiety

for Hank

“Poetry, alas, grows more and more distant. What commonly goes by the name of 'culture' forgets the poem [or distorts it into 'popular' dissemblances]. This is because poetry does not easily suffer the demand for clarity, the passive audience, the simple message. The poem is an intransigent exercise. It is devoid of mediation and hostile to media.”  - Alain Badiou, “Language, Thought, Poetry”*

NORTON'S "Postmodern American Poetry"

 arrives with a broken 

back & me with a limp
(a broken big toe) 

crossing East 7th street 
to Via Della Pace - the
Way of Peace Bistro
only to find a welder 
welding the lowest step 
there Rodriguez 13 the 
tee shirt reads & he is 
intent kneeling before 
searing incandescent 
single-pointed flame 
it's quick sparks pre- 
sently a hurting light 
startles, my entrance 
prevented by such kneel- 
ing the #13 the books & 
Christmas the Cross the 
candle-hand man the ab- 
sence/presence of light/ 
Light heavy in hand 

Let me pass he lets 
me pass/limp up 
the 4 steel steps 
push in to the Way 
of Peace take the 
usual place & settle 
rattled by icon & 
image pain of toe 
Pewter visions of 
what is not any 
longer there the 
wear of a half 
century not to com- 
pare that of 20 
centuries past what 
can last or come 
from all that so 
sit hard down 
upon wood get to 
the books at hand 
the known & the new 
mystery emerging 
from the white plastic 
sheath carefully 

Christmas any day 
heavy the book's


a flat hand sans 

candle holder 

feels good to
the hand & the 
man making 
Christmas joy in 
the Way of Peace 
his first pair of 
Buster Browns 
brown shoes 
shiny as Christmas 
blisters on heals 
hurt to pop unlike 
the book wrapt 
clear of air filled 
pleasant to pinch 
shoes drenched 
with blood 

so feared the limping 
boy then now the limping 
man home from school 
(memory) the yellow 
bus doomy screaming
gull cries of carrion 
children jeer at bullied's 
tears how could such  
round-toed & brown
shining turn to catastrophe 

mystery felt yet 


something needing 
study so ordered 
hold them (poems)

now in hand & 

open book anywhere 
open it & read: It is 
a human universe & 

> I is a correspond- 

> The Innocence of
of children is not long

if ever

it, something, 
dreaded felt 
as yet unknown

shins or toe 
as yet untold 
but wailed 
woes 'thrown' 
forth from 




sorting shattered 
ornaments each 
Christmas before 
the tree is trimmed 
the grim task to sort 
each broken globe 
glinting shards from 
the survivors (I AM 
ONE) so sad a mystery 
to me still remains 
how they do break in 
darkness stored in 
attic high untouched 
by light my hand 
the supple hold of 
green everly - I cannot 
toss them (pretty shards 
all the more beautiful 
because pitiful (I am)  
any-old-way away) so 
bear them to woods 
where the tree is yearly 
cut/coif-ed & so scatter 
them upon needles brown -
changelings into sparks -
resembling those the
welder makes just out
the door now kneeling 
as I have kneeled (once 
& do still) chub boy 
adrift midriff-ed betaken 
by betoken mysteries' 
brokenness's safe(r) re- 
turn to trees ever green 
though hard on toes & 
orphaned shards I now

adhere to a bard or two 
the goodfew ('Call me, 
Goodfew') of words & 
what of them of absence 
be made though presenting 
sleight of palms even 
Rodriquez 13 kneeling 
before fire/light 

Erotic stance w/ pewter
hands the welder removes 
his mask reveals a fine 
face w/gold teeth unbroken 
as ornaments were once 
& forever; Bro eats his 
sand-the world-wich 
blankly staring 

past his truck 

notice then the 
side of it says 


& I think -

the history 
of religions is this, 
just, only the sign 
reads Modern Steel 
(NOT Postmodern 
as it now should be 
to be precise & true 
to the age bereft) located 
on Stagg Street thrust once 
again into Christmas - deer 
& such - though Celtic too - 
Cernunnos snorts from forests 
rough deeply into green mown 
fields where sits beside 
a full silver stream an 
orphaned god abandoned 
carved upon stone with 
bronze (before steel) but 
still (the god is) stone 
fearing it is no longer 

real yet sentinel to 
'an archaic authority' (Kristeva) 


orphanspeak from 
orphanmouth tries 

Rodriguez 13 sandwich 
done kneels again mask 
in place again showers 
more the steel step 
single-pointed flame 
so hurtingly bright 
reflects back to it- 
self but unopposed as 
is night sometimes op- 
posed by me such stars 
sparks upon a steel 
black step above I fear 
to take that one so 
whistle in said dark 
a friend to nothing 
much but a friend to 
sparks such are whist- 
les in the lurch the 
stretch of mind not 
disregarding toes & 
a nose for pain 

The nail of my toe 
is purple beneath 
with blood congealed 
there/no place to 
go though my foot 
takes it to & fro 
back & forth the 
ugly nail an eye 
blind scarlet as 
the fabric in my 
brother's poor 
church behind the 
empty wood (Beauty)  
of Cross the pewter 
hands (make too much 
of them the mind says)  
indicating that 'light 
is or can be found 
there in 'absentia' 

Black tape it began 
with black tape it 
began & so too ends 
the tale of a nail 
swollen misshapen 
each step a hurting 
forward keeping a man 
awake Christmas & all 
& being or striving 
to be a poet I do not 
care at all any longer 
(a lie) so wrap my 
injured toe blood eye 
& all in electrician's 
tape feels good there 
& not to see it screaming 
there seeking surcease 

& so seeking I 
open the thick 
tome of a half 
century America 
blood & steel 
misshapen god 
so misshapen 
citizens with 
miscreant tongues 
reel but with 
feeling snort 
paganly into 
the green hope 
in spite of all 
that has gone 
before in spite 
of Christmas 
even once a year 
other holy days 
gone, too, wild 
for gelt 'all melt 
& maya' I too 
spill into the 
the covers the 
heavy book & 
open it up it 
always now 
opens to its 

(all our) 

broken back 
the poem there 
at the breech 


as did 
I/we all (just 
to remind) when 
the blue water 
broke to nuclear 
flame over an 
elegant place 
as did the now 
faceless orna- 
ments break 
into armaments 
& my/our own 
wooden burden 
for blades dropped 
(& falling still)  
hard upon as 
did/does the mid- 
(mad) century drop 
fall into this 
new one while 
Robin Blaser 
sing-songs from 

the room of the (my)  
(our) living the (my)  
(our) in-breathing 
breathing out - 

'The clown of dignity sits in his tree. 
The clown of games hangs there, too. 
Which is which or where they go - 
the point is to make others see - 
that two men in a tree is clearly 
the same as poetry''- Robin Blaser 

'Oh say can you...' (fledging parapl0gic) 

SHOUT (to the server, Marco Saint) : 

'Arctic honey! ...mouthing the root... 
garment crow...declining preacher...' (John Ashberry) 

Bring me the check! 'because I was flesh' 
(Edward Dahlberg) ...'because I have had 
to be fetched out of the deep like a fish, 
or fell like a white stone from heaven. 

'In woods & mountains I roam' (Jung) in 
Christmas world that limps a black taped 
toe pointing a way fore/aft the heft of 20 
bereft centuries so great a fall 


the subject matter 
is not new & not 
the sorrow old as 
the first cave bear- 
ing first fire in 
human hand the ex- 
piring artist torn 
from blank sky to 
an expectant wall 
a herd there a de- 
claration - one day 
we too will fill the 
earth as hooves have 
done & capture sun & 
be done over over done 
& so come to such edge 
of ruin masked BUT 
(unexpectedly) OPPOSED 
(because of thumbs)  





Kristeva: 'Writing 
causes the subject 
who ventures in it 
(abjection) to con- 
front an archaic 
Authority, on the 
nether side of the 
Proper Name' 

Rodriquez 13 

the welding machine 
explains nothing to 
a black toe joyous 
still for the post 
delivered by a 
feminine hand 
Maria Saint of the 
blue & the gray 

each day become 


erotic hands 


the pewter man 

the absent Cross 

can know of Saviors 
by our loss the cost 
the price of the 
ticket the hieratic 
gesture the certain 
madness a folie 
given Its head 

Let me then work 
my poem (all of 
them) around in 
furtherance of 
what can be said 
without such drama 
of centuries & 
to come Lines end- 
ing in Stillness 
which is not Death 
but Vast from 
Which each comes 
then returns 




Image - 

Sky - 

Expanse - 

Singular Branch 

& Many - 

Plenty Are 


Advances Even 

In The Rot The 

Dissolve From 

Clot Toward What 

It Is Or Was & 

Always A Proper 

Name-Enough For 

Me - 


I am taken with 
Such at Which 
I stare which holds 
my gaze with shades 
of It & of Itself 

that is, is a death 
(or like unto it) - 
Stillness unbreathed 
or in need of It 
(Breath) now, having 
been only once (Rilke)  
who (It seems) be- 
comes relents known 
form though (It is)  
returned or re- 
rested to Itself 
beyond Christmas 

and yet and yet 

the kneeling boy 

in the evergreen 

the shattered orn- 

aments gleam the 

needles' net a 

permanence enough


Dan Bern - Wasteland:

But, to end on a positive note:

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