Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Epimetheus** Looks Back - Upon Gazing at a Photo of Sixty Year Old Me from My Now Being Seventy One

"So abandon all hope ye who enter here. Best to veer away unless willing 
to risk some secure rumored footholds of logic, meter, measure, rhyme, 
sanity. I'm with old Ezra's humbled fife and thrum, 'is repentant, haggard, 
niggardly self in ripe and rife old age, beyond chastened, crumpled yet 
and yes but for a tongue and pen still at and in't, the wiser for 'is sins n schisms/"
- from text below

**Epimetheus is Prometheus' brother. Name of Prometheus means "sees ahead" "forward seeing" "future sight" whereas Epimetheus means "looks back" perpetually

[NOTE: This site has utterly defeated me.  The text page for writing, indexing, etc. is utterly inconsistent and one part of the text will extend into the  right margin edge, another part will be hard left but then make a space between lines of the text, text can be of a completely different font and size arbitrarily imposed by whatever fractured algorithm insisting upon making essays on this, instead of being pleasure and ease, an exhausting and defeating task.  I curse the AI gods or lazy controllers of the did-jots and spit-tittles of composing and posting for such a torture, may you be bitten by a thousand fleas....To the very rare reader here, thank you, and welcome, I apologize here for the sloppy pastiche layout that is the site's cyber-no-brain's fault, not mine.  I literally spent hours of agony just trying to make it as presentable as I could but to no avail.  Entonces, I admit defeat because ecce homo, and not AI. I am flesh, blood, bone, think and snot but not necessarily in that order (I bray, I mean, pray), I am not abstract coding, rather the only code I got is DNA and DNA will whip AI's

the 'god-image' of this site -
any familiarity of that/those
of Western "Syphiization "is

non ass in and out of any space and time corridor. 

Code is no victor here though I admit defeat. William Blake has it right, "Eternity is in love with the productions of time."  And Carl Jung has it right too, though many many will call him heretical, and he would admit it and without shame, Eternity is in utter need and dependency upon creation, humans particularly, to unite the opposites of IT's N0 Self within each ourselves and in so doing mitigate and perhaps some far time in the future (if future there is) IT, will also become more whole since IT is split too...there's a danger in such uniting of good and evil but that's another essay for another time and perhaps on some other site with less budgy-fudgy-excre-mental-bytes-but-bloats all the more with rank Kubricks, I mean, HAL hubris.

All images are my own unless otherwise credited. All texts/poems are mine unless otherwise credited]

Photo taken in 2013

Tis a Selkie, not a selfie. A decade ago in the Adirondacks, wood stove flue over my left shoulder. My zennish days more or less or not at all, my NOW AND ZEN SOME days, my zen teacher a proponent of Wrecking Ball Zen which explains the glazed right eye and the intense left, bereft of self or no-self. 

"... to begin with a swelled head and end with swelled feet..." - Ezra Pound

From the journal then:


Sensei tells me: It's undertow that matters.

Me: I am stumped. 

ENTRY 14  (Caught in the undertow mind m-utterances)

One adjusts. Continually. 

The persona is adaptation 
appearing to be solid but sleep reveals the neutrality 
of the animal. 

Dreams tell us otherwise 
when we remember them as it takes an ego to witness, 
to remember. 

They reveal that we are 
caught up into something so much greater than 
flush and stir. 

It's a wonder we make do 
as much as we do and still call ourselves by name, 
a species of animal, 'homo sapiens'. 

I regret self pity. 
I'd reject it if I could but it adheres, 
last resort of old coots born honestly 
into it no matter the copious Mercurochrome baths, 
the smelling salts obviating the needed nipple. 

The stippled trout I nightly catch, 
pink insides turned out by blue blade 
kept beneath the pillow, 

baits me with the riddle 
again and again. 

Something about a stand of trees, 
a man carving some bark, 
what breath is for. 

ENTRY 23  More's the muddle w/th' not so subtle nuance "there's no undertow in a puddle" 

aka Han Shan 9th century Chinese poet:

"Who will lend a dipper of water
To save a fish in a carriage rut?"

Today the Market reports a run on Mercurochrome. 

Birth goes on. 

I am for rebirth. 

A dirth of days makes me suddenly Hindu, 
foregoing gurus and bindu point. 

I've made my own here,
one foot well into 'Cracked and Crank', 
the drunk tank a memory 
worn out. 

Doubt is my companion. 

Love, too. 

No remorse here. 

Buys me time, aftershave and 
loads of underwear for the trickles ahead. 

Thank the gods for all that. 

Oh. And one last good cigar. 

I'm switching to Groucho Marx Zen aka

"You sed th' woid, you got th' VOID."

ENTRY 2635 - Years on in still at zen.  Nothing broken.  Nothing to mend...and yet...and yet...


Ramana Pajama, 

Coda Pagoda,

rolled outta bed, 



"No more sensei." 

Epimetheus looks back

"So, friend, you die also. Why all this clamour about it?" - from The Iliad XXI by Homer

...but it's late and I've been under-slept, much distressed, stretched through veil and moan, though I dreamed last night a sweet not-dog/yet-dog sleeping upon a burning log most inviting. I see now it is a sacrifice that has consented to such and thus is resolved, at peace, surrendered to gentle flame, to rules of the human consciousness game, and/but I want to secure its comfort and safety though Fire winks at me and says, 

I got this covered.


What to do? 

Out of my league as creature alone, 
I demur to Fire.

Am awaiting further instructions. 

Marinating in petrol. 

with Combustion Union 

even as I 
speak or spark, 

whichever comes 
first which will 

inexorably of course 

come last then 

ashes to ashes 

and the mourning

a thousand 

or more books unread, 

not understood.

Tou jours 
mon ami, 
mon frere
to rhyme 

with fire

and sireling.

Me during covid "warrentine" 2020 upstate New York

ENTRY 2637 - Sensei's 7 years dead now, the "sitz path" continues unsure, it proceeds still, path-enough


Where have they gotten too 
these graces clumsy on their feet? 

They've fled, easy wings balletic 
toward ocean or other, black, they 
bob low over white waves, confuse 
themselves for sails or Van Goghs 
or Cezannes, even Twomblys, and 
so steady they do go away, or de- 
pending on time of day and slant 
of sun, they may wobble or appear 
to do so when things, even birds, 
are bent, mirage-podge-and-puddle, 
trajectories and intent, fused in- 
stincts, prevailing, so weaving they 

have went, 

their patience with the city spent. 

They're fled. Gone. 

tell me now 

glass-handled knives 

I'm not clear where we started

between the rain 
whose throat is blue 
like a wild fern is clear 

I am sad when I see you

your letters arrive fat 
swollen with human form 

they fly out from my palms 

look around you

The distant gazebo of that small 
town wears white lights garlanded 

round, and snow. A boy without 
gloves reads alone. 

He is no fool who takes his time and 
place to know.

I rediscover you a gift here still as 
I have in good counsel curtsied and coughed 

often enough, my own hand to my own groin
to discover a fissure again, again to repeat, 

that you are tissue essential still and 
fabric to my own particularity upon a hill, 

a house, one fence above a stream and rails, 
a blinking boy turning wet pages knowing that 

you or someone similar, only a few years 
ahead, already familiar, dwells inside 

compels his reading just before sunset 
squinting at words beyond and past the 

fence and the stream, the train late, 
footprints dark blue in the patient drift.

ENTRY No longer counting - see ZERO praise below - after thoughts, setting-away zen, begin again - arrivals, departures three years after the Quarantine (Warrentine) Journal, Quetzal dreams as koan:

again, for sensei, and George E. 

afterplay, and fore, for, foregoing lookingbacks ahead, familiar dread bed head pillow play dreamed the dead analyst returned blind to me, kind faced, staggered as if dizzy and holding onto walls, face turned toward me then walled he through a door into clouds white, nevermind the triteness of image, I felt love, relief, received his blessing after all the failing him and me and what ever the Self requires of me/not-me.  Again, yet, arrivals, fretted departures, never say 'not' nor 'never' so unfolds mind-tries three years after:

"Who turned us around like this, so that we always
do what we may, retain the attitude
of someone who's departing? Just as he, 
on the last hill, that shows him all his valley
for the last time, will turn and stop and linger,
we live our lives, for ever taking leave." 
- Rainer Maria Rilke, from Duino Elegy 8


"Mark the first page of the book with a red marker. For, in the beginning, the wound is invisible." - Edmund Jabes

"Toot Toot Lovers! Bag of bones coming through!" - Richard Hugo 

"We happen to live at a moment that is going to get worse before it gets better. The world went inside the internet and became the world...a poem may not conform to your worldview, your tastes, or what you think a poem can be. I often hear students get exasperated if a poem stretches the bounds of what they think poetry includes." - Sean Singer

"There is another world, but it is inside this one." - Paul Celan: 

"I don't believe in the other world ...But I don't believe in this one either unless it's pierced by light." - Anna Kamienska

"There isn't any one correct way to write poetry. Poetry is a word like love: an endless confusion of different things all warped into one word because no vocabulary of discrimination exists." - Jack Gilbert

Old now, haiku 

easier on the breadth:

Road gets narrower 

eyesight dims, 

even signs wave

Basho's ghost 

guides with ink,


Can't ever cross 

Rainbow Bridge

Beneath it, though, 

a billet of mist 

On the other hand,

me, just to be clear at another outset, to set it out, to lay out or in 
what follows, is to follow, rather, I follow IT, lay it out as IT and how 
it plays and wants to say, perhaps its stay - which now all below as 
they go-and-go, are excerpts, patches from poem after poem, a long 
roam, a life time roaming of them toward rumored HOME, more the 
homing devices, words, than settling, planting one flag for everything, 
impossible to do as things, even words do fray down to string and 
filament fly loosened eventually strand by strand (as do I, me) in 
fate-wind, and thus the pastiche ensues, unwinds/unravels on purpose 
not to my own end but to poetry's ends (plural) in creating, destroying, 
reconfiguring worlds of possibilities plural. And from below bellow 
scraps filched from whole poems that doubt their legs capacities to 
stand on their own aka poet Robert Duncan's declaration that

'language, words, make meaning, I don't...'

So what's below is no rural romp or tread and though most readers 
dread having to participate in the reading of such, having to use their 
heads and more, better, use their ears without fear of noise or nonsense, 
then let the lazy forego their efforts here and head off to church or 
collective shrine or club or circle and so 'knit one pearl two', don the 
harder shoes that force a straight unyielding path to (or so it is thought 
and hoped) chaste and bidden conformity to believed to be 'received 
revealed' paths of doggerel and sentimentality.

Or, alas, early 19th century exiled American poet's proclamation 
propounding to 'make it new' all the while living in classical Europe, 
is now, early 21st century, 'the old soft shoe' boogie bougie of those 
new penners currently blowing in the wind, the Bestseller genies 
sprung like Athena from Zeus's noggin fully formed Jack n Jill 
Horners patenting both thumbs and plums having believed that 
they are progenitors of both. But I'll be plumbed, forego the curd 
topping the pie but stick, rather, a nether in an eye to scrie or effort 
something wanting to show itself though shy or disguised to throw 
readers off petrified 'tried and true'. Ask not for whom the tell bolls,
it bolls prithee (which is a fun thing to say 'slythy-ly') .

If the reader is a free bleeder and curious about the flow and where 
it goes or takes one then have some fun and fuddle, let red matter 
puddle in the mind, the ears, at least one, the better ear the bad one 
cuz then one must squint an eye try to hear, must effort to ken what's 
to be be heard that matters in the dim dumb hum haw hem 'to wit, to 
woo, to whom to what will 'draw flies or better' if it can (or can it) or 
draw curiosity that begins and ends in further quests such are questions 
behest that one at least not tarry too long but scurry or surrey forth 
in whatever meter one finds is adequate to the moment. There is no 
certainty here, capital C, so run away to yer barnacled BIG BOOKS 
HOLY WRIT yer RECEIVED THINKs. A tinker's damn from me to thee. 
With humor, old and newer meanings both, risk laughter at what Allen 
Ginsberg calls 'shapely thought' and of course 'unthought' that can 
open to mystery though the masses are horribly afraid of all that! 
There's plentyuh old mystery to be had easily and so cheap (tho stale) 
at The Dollar Store with or without a steeple or shrine or other tell-tale 
once was symbol now reduced (and on sale) for only a sign, the spark 
that was once in the totem fled or dead matter tho nostalgia goes far 
enough for most.

Still, wonder can shew even in an image of Jesus (choose holy man 
or woman or symbol) apparition-ing on burnt toast.Now THAT I'll 
take seriously for I could never worship a deity or sacrality that has 
no sense of humor, one what can still fun us with rumored visitations 
in the juub juubs and baubles, from Babel to Babble (how many 
denominations are daily born, each claiming sole authority?), veritable 
spawn of further holy wars.

There is some rhyme here below too, some poems, though rhyme's 
now long verboten in mod school of poesy forgetting that it, poesy, 
still 'surely hath its posies' aka Ernest Dowson with whom him too 
I am and 'have been faithful to thee, O Cynara! ' fiddle dee fiddle dim 
dumb. He died of debauch. But I am the more abstemious preferring 
profligate torrents of words and what surds may jell even if but for a 
moment or just plain even if.

As a boy my daily chore was to dump food scraps and other 
trash-could-rot into large mulch piles to use for father's gardens. And 
to dig in the dark dense layers for fat worms with which to fish. From 
this early boyhood chore, the fishing too - a worm on a hook fathomed 
into unseen depths for a hopeful forkful revelation of fin and flash 
cornmeal battered, a vocation long emerged into verges with disregard, 
and dys-regards, effort taken with reading oracular shards glyphs for 
meaning or leanings toward such that one could take for meaning even 
if arrived at by other than expected, received and baptized means.
So abandon all hope ye who enter here. Best to veer away unless willing 
to risk some secure rumored footholds of logic, meter, measure, rhyme, 
sanity. I'm with old Ezra's humbled fife and thrum 'is repentant, haggard, 
niggardly self in ripe and rife old age, beyond chastened, crumpled yet 
and yes but for a tongue and pen still at and in't, the wiser for 'is sins 
n schisms/

Head of a shouting man - Matthias Grunewald

from Pisan Canto LXXXI by Ezra Pound 

"What thou lovest well remains,

the rest is dross What thou lov'st well shall not be reft from thee

What thou lov'st well is thy true heritage Whose world, or mine or theirs

or is it of none? First came the seen, then thus the palpable

Elysium, though it were in the halls of hell, What thou lovest well is thy true heritage
What thou lov'st well shall not be reft from thee

The ant's a centaur in his dragon world.
Pull down thy vanity, it is not man
Made courage, or made order, or made grace,

Pull down thy vanity, I say pull down. Learn of the green world what can be thy place In scaled invention or true artistry,
Pull down thy vanity,

Paquin pull down! The green casque has outdone your elegance.

'Master thyself, then others shall thee beare'; Pull down thy vanity

Thou art a beaten dog beneath the hail, A swollen magpie in a fitful sun,
Half black half white
Nor knowst'ou wing from tail

Pull down thy vanity
How mean thy hates

Fostered in falsity,
Pull down thy vanity,

Rathe to destroy, niggard in charity, Pull down thy vanity,

I say pull down.

But to have done instead of not doing this is not vanity

To have, with decency, knocked That a Blunt should open

To have gathered from the air a live tradition or from a fine old eye the unconquered flame
This is not vanity.

Here error is all in the not done, all in the diffidence that faltered..." 

- March 25,2023

Deer Dance/Fire ceremony, Ohkay Ohwengeh 
reservation, New Mexico

Entry - Exuent - Fluent yet Flatulent - 04/23/2023

My words here are not intended, nor are they able, to exclude what Word-oriented, revealed religions of 'the Book' have brought to us and advanced, but now, next 2000 years, the creative struggle will be to conjoin meaningfully polygamous images of psyche into compressions (es-pressions, as in espresso) and ex-pressions (pressed out) by and with word and Word which have tendencies toward monotheism, one true meaning only, which results therefore, can't be avoided, into a heavy-handedness in terms of a perceived/derived one and only Absolute. Ironically, the Arabs discovery of always heavy Zero - which, to me, is the only Absolute of merit - gave birth to a multiplicity, diverse, perverse, all the more irascible yet embraceable, maddeningly erasable, while growing arms beyond counting, the better to carry the unforgiving densities.

Count them (or try) we must; for congenital compulsions such are calcifications - spirit, soul, life in the body - are gripped in the teeth of the world; beatific, we perceive ourselves to be in the image of deity. Still, we can believe we are 'safe' within these calcified 'absolutes' - o here is the 'burning bush' - or we can risk the profligate ramble which is consciousness, a fire still burning, an intuition in each image that there is more here than meets the eye or thigh or deities as imaged. We all look, or try, beneath the skin of things - under what is presented, or within it - for that half-guessed/hinted at and/or 'felt sense' that there is MORE beyond the barred nerve, more and 'other-than' the shock of a chrome bumper-bent world careening, aware that within all is here-a-Presence, all images and words assuming that Presence - the Arabs gift of the non-alloyed Zero unmeasured by mass, a better name for god depending on thermal history's twisting vector or ghostly mirage, if any are to be had - the base in spite of or within the Metallic Matrix of the blacksmith heart hammering verdigris, chambers, ventricles, into shape, Newton's grave conjugations, living time solidified, hardened, stiffening Presence into dilute renderings of base metal, and chaste Frida Kahlo, her canvases chasing plutonium wire unaware, bears the blunt end of Presence at the end of the Aeon of the Fishes still barely beyond Bronze Age's just sharpened edges fluted, pre-Christian Mexico preferring obsidian ones hacked, chipped, scraped upon hard flint. Frida, volcano born, turns into conjugal vessel, Quetzal plume conjoined to Serpent skin rebirthing extensions of crash, a returning God, boat and horse delivered from the red beard of the bloated sea confronting yet one more deity requiring blood.

Frida Kahlo. The Broken Column

ENTRY Unexpected - Presumed To Have Fledged, Upon Witness Days, Asynchrony Of Swallow Murmurations In Christmas Season - A Gnoetic Poetic of Eye to Ear and Back Again into Adoration

"The spirit as it awakens is adoration." - Ludwig Wittgenstein

murmur - (A) to make the sound 'mu mu' (old Greek) 
or 'mumu', to murmur with closed lips, to mutter, 
moan... (B) to drink with closed lips, to suck in...
-Liddell and Scott, Greek-Engish Lexicon,1897 ed.

"when the attentions change
...even the stones are split
are rive..." - Charles Olson, from The Kingfishers

So ensues the Murmuration moan, , 
wind mutter the winding matter bebothered 
of Swallows


which is a-synchrony, just to remind =

absence or lack of concurrence in time

In other words, no rhyme scheme

or known reason though presumptions

occur in observation of patterns that

such are the habits of nature to assist

drawing conclusions which are surmises

which are in the end and beginning 

always "unhatched eggs" or, better,

words as eggs


(all praise) and what marvelous 

vapor is life restive (as are days)

in thousand undulate congregations 

no need for a falconer after all 

when Chaos a daze of a Sunday 

evening seems to know something 

so falls into 

purple fields 

(O Friend, remember) 

edged by sheer snow peaks where 

sheep surefeet know no fear of 

heights and there do dung and 

play fearless or at least pretending

not to fall in their waking dream 

which is the thing -

concavity curves 

in a dead hatchling's sparkless 

eye reflecting dead eggs' perfect 

forms soft brooded upon as 

one might brood one in hand

pondering which is the better 

off the flown lone one or the 

ongoing knot which can also

denote an egg - unhatched or

not or clotted everyly or other- 

wise - is all surmise who knows 

what is the thing joy's winged

malingerers in sudden annunciate 

thunder a flashy entrance as 

Swallows do so flash as flash 

can and (it 

Awe) may last along awhile 




is glad 

one's self 

to have 


and fledged 

see what 

glory can 

be made 

and had 

at edges 


clearly domed 

the shape of 

eyes makes 

it so) 

and one knows or someday will 

in lighter or heavier bones scry 

the effort was/is made at all  

as self portraits which may 

or may not be the actual 

who/whom we perceive 

as selves to be we 

(one feather 

at a time 

necessary dreaming 


air) being adhered to dirt 

so verily molded by known 

and unknown forces within 

which we make or 

so we think 


but nevermind but 


let us 

return to mumur to suck in 

sounds through and behind 

lips and be naturally moved

bothered to somehow care 

which with heart we indeed 

do hard swallow. 

One bird elder 

once said to me

my being newly 

fledged and flung

me at her knobby wither-knees 

admiring her mustache and tooth 

told me to observe and note 

one or three do-re-mi's or more 

(to better feathered choirs with) 

so try at least to sing it, IT, 

even if choking on what cannot 

as yet be chewed/swallowed 

IT being our 




or without 

craw or claw 

but IT, bliss?, 

eventually might if not understood 

or withstood or notwithstanding

words thoughts ideas -

(throw in image which 

is not spare aspire or

parenthetical but a must

so is) 

in other 


and perhaps

all birds

perhaps arrive land perch alight 

a lift-off life time of chew and choke 

then with some digestive orientation 

from and of such sing of 'ossible

bone-tones some parsings or 

other some conjugant choralling 

which may/might ascribe flight

night daylight the usual things 

so granted for taking so often 

misspoken or under sung, we 

being always flung trying yet 

to cling to what cannot be 

undone but forever always 

clotted until we indeed do fly 

no more in mind or breeches 

and inevitably come 


to full glottal stop 

presumably fledged 


Christmas Eve, Village of Focces, Gers, France 2019

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